How to buy a flat in Kerala, Cost of flat in Kerala
This website is a guide to buying and selling Kerala property and real estate, about new flats under construction in Kerala, who sells the best flats in Kerala and what is the average price of flats in Kerala in different localities. Full information is provided on the extra amounts to be paid while buying a flat or villa in Kerala, like Registration Fees, Property tax, etc. Other important information like what your rights are to the coomon areas and actual carpet area you get when the builder says that the flat is of so many square feet or meters. We cover the most important things to check when buying a flat, villa or any property in Kerala.
Best places to buy property in Kerala
The best places to invest in real estate in Kerala are usually in the outskirts of all the major Towns of Kerala, especially in Cochin or Kochi Kerala. The pace of development in Kochi is very fast especially with all the mega projects like the International Shipping Container Terminal, Info Park, Smart City and now with Cochin Metro Rail becoming operational it is becoming so easy to get around in Kochi.
So Kochi or Ernakulam is now the best place to buy property in Kerala. The prices of real estate can only go up and in Cochin property price will rise faster than in other places in Kerala. We have dedicated page on properties in Kochi: Flat and Apartment projects in Cochin and Villa projects in Cochin
Ready to occupy flats in Kerala
We have pages on our website about ongoing building projects in all the main cities of Kerala. Some of these building projects are nearing completion, and if you contact the builders, whose details are given, you will be able to find many ready to occupy flats in Kerala.
List of new flats and villa building projects in Kerala:
- New apartment flats in CALICUT
- New Flats & Villas in CHALAKUDY
- New apartment flats in COCHIN
- New Flats & Villas in GURUVAYOOR
- New Flats & Villas in KANNUR
- New Flats & Villas in KOLLAM
- New Flats & Villas in KOTTAYAM
- New Flats & Villas in PALAKKAD
- New Flats & Villas in THIRUVALLA
- New Flats & Villas in THRISSUR
- New Villas & Flats in TRIVANDRUM
New villa projects in Kerala
We have below two completely dedicated pages on new villa projects in Kerala. One page is for new villa projects in Calicut and the other is for new villa projects in Cochin.
For other new villa projects in Kerala they are all available in the individual pages in the above list of new flats and villa building projects in Kerala.
Super built up area of a flat in Kerala
You have to be careful about the area of flats in Kerala which the builders quote. The actual area of a flat or the carpet area of a flat in Kerala will be less than what most Kerala builders quote for. This is because the area which the builder quotes you is the Super built up area of a flat in Kerala. The actual area of a flat or the carpet area of a flat in Kerala will be less as explained in our page on the different types of areas like super built up area, carpet area, plinth area, etc.
Stamp duty and registration charges for flats in Kerala
In addition to the cost of the flat, you also have to pay Kerala stamp duty and registration charges. The registration of flats in Kerala is quite expensive and the registration fees for flats in Kerala has to be paid, and this is in addition to the sq.ft. cost of the flat which the builder in Kerala has quoted. The Kerala stamp duty and registration charges are about 15% of the value of the land and building. So for new buildings, when you are the first owner, it is common practice to only register your share of the barren land on which the new apartment block is to come up.
To avoid the Kerala land registration fees, the cost of the building is given as a separate contract between you and the builder to build the flat for you. This avoids paying Kerala stamp duty and registration charges on the cost of building the new flat or house.
Buying flats or shares better
We have a page comparing investments in property with investments in Shares in the stock market. Different options of investing money in Kerala like putting your money in Fixed Deposits, Shares and buying property are discussed in our dedicated page invest in shares or flat in Kerala.